My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Unsettling in the best possible way!!!
Does anyone put the “psychology” into psychological thriller quite as well as B. A. Paris??? Paris really has a way with messed up characters and disturbing situations. This book is a mind game from the first chapter right through the very last page. I finished this book two days ago and the story is haunting me! What a great read!
As happens with Paris, early reviews are largely positive, with a mix of “did-not-finish”. Most of those seem to struggle connecting with the characters. I urge readers to give this book time! You don’t always have to like all of the characters to enjoy the ride. And I think some characters will ultimately surprise you—all are not telling the full story right away, which made the development points for each character so compelling. This is a book that grows in suspense and makes you uneasy, right along with the characters.
12 years ago
Finn is living the Bachelor life in London when he meets Layla. Instantly, Finn forgets his current girlfriend and develops strong feelings for the enigmatic Layla. A year into their relationship Finn and his Layla are on their way home from a vacation in France, when they pull over so Finn can use the restroom. He is gone only a few minutes, and when he returns Layla’s door is open and she is missing. Finn looks everywhere but Layla is gone…
Finn has moved away from his cottage with Layla to a new home in Simonsbridge. After a long grieving period, Finn moved on to other relationships before falling for Ellen, whom he has just gotten engaged to. But Ellen isn’t just any woman, she’s Layla’s older sister. Ignoring the gossip from those who remember the story of Layla’s disappearance, Finn and Ellen have created a wonderful, happy life together.
Until one day Ellen find a small token on the wall outside their house…
The token is innocuous to all but Ellen and Finn. You see, there is only one person outside of themselves who could possibly know the meaning of this token…Layla. But how can that be?
Is it possible Layla is still alive?
The premise of the story was enough to make me read this book, but I also have to say that Finn’s struggle to comprehend the meaning of the events is what kept me hooked. I wouldn’t say I particularly connected with Finn, but I did feel so much empathy for him. Finn in a way is his own worst enemy. He is such a passionate person, and so was Layla. This is what drew them together. Ellen is Layla’s opposite in so many ways, and yet she is good for Finn, if only he will let her be. But you can see his struggle to truly forget the past.
The love of Finn and Layla was entirely different from the love Finn shares with Ellen. Sometimes I wanted to shake him and say “why can’t you let yourself be happy?!?!?” But of course, you can’t. One thing that was particularly engaging about the storyline was the lack of closure. As much as Finn wants to convince himself that Layla is likely dead, her disappearance and lack of finality leaves that small part in his brain that makes him wonder if it is possible she did survive somehow. That lack of closure would drive anyone mad, particularly when the token shows up.
Finn’s heart is fighting with his mind. He knows the likelihood that Layla is still alive but hasn’t made contact with anyone for 12 years is nearly impossible, and yet he wants it to be true. The story is somewhat slow, but steady. It is never stagnant. This was one that I looked forward to diving back into each time I had to put it down. I’m so thrilled that B. A. Paris has continued to write such compelling novels, and I look forward to her next one!
My sincerest gratitude to St. Martin’s Press, NetGalley, and B. A. Paris for providing me an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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